Condi Rice sees silver lining in tsunami

Condoleezza Rice:  “I do agree that the tsunami was a wonderful opportunity to show not just the US government, but the heart of the American people, and I think it has paid great dividends for us.” [Source: Dr. Rice’s senate confirmation hearing, according to Agence France Presse, Tuesday, January 18, 2005.]
Maybe that helps explain His mysterious ways. See, He decided to blow away all those impoverished dark-skinned masses (and a couple thousand westerners who were in the wrong place at the wrong time) so that these United States would have a “wonderful opportunity” to display our benevolence and generosity.

Pray for the Pope? I think not

Millions of people are praying for the Pope’s recovery, NPR informs us this morning.
As a hardline atheist, I have a problem with the prayer part, but leaving that aside: why would anybody who cares about the human race pray for someone who intentionally discourages millions of people from practicing safe sex and birth control? It just doesn’t make any sense.

Krazy Glue insight

Have you ever had a tube of Krazy Glue die a natural death, that is, run out of glue? No. Neither have I. And just today I had a sudden insight into something that should have been pretty damn obvious during all my decades as an occasional Krazy Glue user. I always assumed that when my Krazy Glue tube became hopelessly clogged with a glob of rock-hard, dry Krazy Glue, and cutting the tip (again) with scissors no longer worked, and the Krazy Glue had to be reluctantly given up for dead — I always thought this was because of my own incompetence or negligence.
Well guess what. Are you ready for this? Sit down. I’m serious! Sit the fuck down and listen to me!
OK that’s better. Here’s the deal: the people that make Krazy Glue don’t want you to use your Krazy Glue until the tube is empty! That’s right: they want it to fail so you have to go buy anther one! So next time your Krazy Glue gets so thoroughly petrified that you have to discard it in utter despair, remember: it isn’t your fault.

High End Parent with Too Much Spare Time

I read Barbara Ehrenreich’s outstanding Nickeled and Dimed, and among other things, got inspired by one of the scenes she describes. She was working for a cleaning service scrubbing shit from the toilet bowl of a well-to-do mom who spent her time tracking her investments and her baby’s bowel movements. Think of it: a nice little spreadsheet with columns for date, time, volume, aroma, color, texture… I decided I wanted to borrow a page from her play book but with a linguistic twist. I counted all the words I could think of in my 19+ month old daughter’s vocabulary. Stuffed ’em in a MySQL database table because of my geeky proclivities.

I didn’t cheat. These here are 72 genuine active vocabulary items, not random shouting or mimicking, observed as of 31-December-2004. I probably missed a few.

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Good bye String

Stringer BellShit. I know I ain’t the only middle class white mothafucka gonna miss that nigga. String was special, man, that mofucka had character, the nigga was original, he had like fuckin, integrity an shit, nome sayin?

I’m a miss you String. An I wish you all the best of luck on all your future projex B.

Protesta apoteósica

Quote of the day:

“Protestamos no contra el pueblo norteamericano, sino contra el asesino principal del planeta”

— Marcos Riquelme, a leader of protests against the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum being held in Santiago, Chile.

I am proud of the way you guys are setting shit off down there. ¡Viva Chile!

who’s bullshit?

I’ve just about had it with the likes of the NYTimes and other so-called liberal media (SCLM) outlets like NPR. GO check out sites like and and you will see what I mean. It’s like they’re watching a different ballgame.
Speaking of games, atrocities are happening in Fallujah while most Americans sit around watching football. And that is just plain fucked up.

A Sad Day

OK, I’m a sushi-nibbling, cabernet sauvignon-sipping Northeastern opinionated arrogant elitist snob who likes looking at pictures of Christ submerged in urine. And I say to all of you who voted for Bush:
You are fools at best. Either you don’t know your own interests, or your interest is self-destruction (and other-destruction). You voted for what is almost certainly the most corrupt, dangerous, arrogant, mendacious, incompetent administration of your lifetime. You’ve shown the world that American voters, albeit by a slim majority, chose this prick and have given your approval to his greedy, demented imperialist policies. You fucked up. Shame on you.
Sore loser? Damn right I am. This is no joke, it really sucks big time.
One of the few bright spots I can think of is that Kerry got the African American vote by a margin of ten to one. At least black folks, collectively, have something of a clue. Another bright spot is that the pesto, marinara and meat balls that I served my friends last night made a big hit.

This is it

Have you ever seen more tension and anxiety around an election in the United States in your lifetime?

Even my own dad, normally a man of relentless logic and reason, sounded a little strange on the phone last night when he said that if the Red Sox can win the World Series, Kerry can win the presidency. Huh?

This is it folks, the day of reckoning. So get out there and do the right thing.

I’ve been resigned to pulling the lever for Kerry for several months. It’s a no-brainer. You would have to be insane or disinformed to do otherwise.

I read somewhere that 70+ percent of Bush supporters still think Saddam’s connection to Al Qaeda has been established and that he had WMD. There’s a fundamental disconnect with reality, a sort of cognitive disorder. The right wing Republican propaganda apparatus is a thing of awesome power, to be sure, but even so, there’s no excuse for being too lazy to get off the couch and make a modicum of effort to find out what is really going on.

Someone was saying on Air America last night that if the Republicans attempt to steal it again, watch out. You might see all shit break loose in the streets of this country like we haven’t seen in a century. We need Kerry to take it and take it by a comfortable margin.

I was up late prepping food for the election night dinner we are holding today: made a nice marinara, meatballs, a pesto. Gonna have some quality wine and food, huddle together with some dear friends, and we will either celebrate that we have averted catastrophe, or try to turn our backs to the abyss and enjoy a good meal anyway.


Here’s why — a little much-needed levity courtesy of our beloved friend Lisa.