¡Viva Chile!

If you don’t read Spanish, here’s a synopsis (yeah, synopsis. What do I look like? A translator?): some left-wing pro-human rights groups in Chile are attempting a legal maneuver to have Bush subpoenaed for questioning by a judge when Bush shows up for an economic summit in Chile in a few weeks. They allege that Bush, Rumsfeld, etc., are criminally liable for torture and murder in Iraq, citing a legal principle of universal jurisdiction under international treaties to which both Chile and the U.S are signatories.

Interesting, isn’t it, that on the one hand you have a country where people are serious about trying to lock up this criminal for his crimes, while in the U.S., as we speak, the criminal has a very good shot at being re-elected President.

[de El Diario/La Prensa, New York, 27 octubre de 2004:]

Santiago de Chile/EFE — Varios partidos políticos y agrupaciones de izquierda presentaron ayer en Chile una querella contra el presidente de EE.UU., George W. Bush, al que acusan de crímenes de guerra y torturas en Irak.

En la demanda, presentada por los grupos que integran el movimiento Poder Democrático y Social (Podemos), se solicita que “tan pronto pise suelo chileno”, el mandatario estadounidense sea interrogado por un juez de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago.

Bush tiene previsto visitar Chile con ocasión de la Cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica de Asia Pacífico (APEC), que se celebrará en Santiago entre el 19 y el 21 de noviembre próximo.

La querella, dijeron los dirigentes del movimiento a los periodistas en el Palacio de los Tribunales, incluye además al vicepresidente de EE.UU., Dick Cheney; al secretario de Estado, Colin Powell; al secretario de Defensa, Donald Rumsfeld, y al ex administrador estadounidense en Irak, Paul Bremer.

Según los dirigentes, la acción judicial “es un acto ético, moral y de dignidad” ante la visita a Chile de George W. Bush.

El movimiento “Podemos” está formado por los partidos Humanista, Comunista, Izquierda Cristiana y el Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), entre otras organizaciones, que llevan una lista de candidatos a las elecciones municipales del próximo domingo.

Uno de los abogados que patrocinan la querella, Juan Enrique Prieto, afirmó que los crímenes cometidos por las autoridades estadounidenses en Irak han infringido el derecho internacional humanitario estipulado en la Convención de Ginebra y en la Convención contra la Tortura.

Agregó que el principio de jurisdicción universal expresado en ambas convenciones, suscritas por Chile y Estado Unidos, asigna competencia a las autoridades de un Estado para perseguir delitos que atenten contra los bienes jurídicos internacionales o supranacionales, independientemente del lugar donde hayan sido cometidos y de la nacionalidad de autores o víctimas.

“Estamos pidiendo un ministro (juez) de fuero y, como diligencia concreta, que se exhorte a objeto de obtener declaración de los imputados y además que en el evento que lleguen al país sean citados a declarar y se dicten las resoluciones que correspondan”, concluyó el abogado Prieto.

El dirigente Lautaro Carmona sostuvo por su parte que la acción legal “representa el sentimiento de un sector muy amplio de la población chilena”.

La Corte de Apelaciones deberá resolver si acoge o no a trámite el escrito y en el primer caso debería designar a uno de sus jueces para que inicie la investigación.

Open Letter to Yankees Fans

That’s about all a proper pro-Red Sox Yankees-hating Mets fan can say at a time like this.
But I’ll continue anyway. Whose your daddy now? Huh? Woohoooo! You wanna talk superstition? Who’s superstitious now? Did you see all those Yankee fans holding up pictures of the Babe, trying to invoke The Curse? Pathetic! Ah hahahahahahaha haaaaaaaa!
Sure, you can route for the Sox to lose the World Series, but even if they do, that’s pretty cold comfort, isn’t it? Tee hee heee. Because the real series is over and you blew it, you fucking blew a 3-0 series lead and made major league baseball history. Imagine that. Go Red Sox, I love you guys!
Gee, I wonder how poor George is feeling today. Are you gonna fire Joe Torre now, George? Will that help?
Bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha….

Good News: Drug Traffickers Use GPS

I heard on NPR this morning that drug traffickers working in and around Guatemala are using the Global Positioning System to locate points where they drop off and pick up 25-kilogram, bouyant, water-tight packages of cocaine in the ocean. It warms my heart to see another technology, originally developed for inherently evil military purposes, being used for something constructive. All the folks here at Vernon T. Bludgeon Consulting would like to salute our colleagues in the narcotraffic industry and wish them all success.
For let us not forget: the illegal drug trade — and its sine qua non, coercive prohibitionist policies — creates employment, opportunity and prosperity for countless thousands. Not to mention the pleasure that quality product brings to so many recreational users who enjoy drugs, and suffer negligible adverse social and health consequences! Yes my friends, from producer to processor, transporter to wholesaler, retailer to end user, just about everybody wins — including, of course, our thriving correctional-industrial complex. But the prison boom is hardly the only side-benefit of the multiplier effect. Drug dealers and manufacturers with money to burn drive the demand for all manner of consumer and industrial goods and services — think of the high-end tennis shoes favored by many drug retailers, or the precursor chemicals a Colombian processor orders from a German firm, or the speedboats those fellows in Guatemala are using, or the laundering services provided by so many financial institutions ranging from the mom-and-pop remittance agencies to the biggest names in the banking industry.
Of course drug prohibition has negative social impact on a few people, but that’s just the way of capitalism, folks. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs! It’s clear that the benefits of the illegal drug trade and our apparently (but not really) failed policies far outweigh the costs.

Lexical gap: the opposite of jealousy

When I see these ladies together — that would be my daughter and my wife — and see how profoundly they love each other, I feel an emotion for which there is no one word in the English language. The very opposite of jealousy, it’s the satisfaction you experience when you see a relationship flourish between two others.

Cabe mencionar de paso que el español también padece la misma laguna léxica, que no hay ninguna palabra que signifique lo contrario del celos (A mi buen saber y entender (-:)

Speaking to speech recognition systems is humiliating

I have trouble talking to those speech recognition voice mail things. I find it vaguely humiliating, embarassing, degrading — perhaps because it is! It is particularly irksome to do it in front of others — rather like being bladder-shy, unable to pee in front of an audience. Pushing buttons, that’s bad enough. But speaking to those things? Maybe it’s like the very early days of telephone answering machines — if you’re old enough to remember, dear reader. When they were new and rare devices, some callers felt inhibited about recording messages. They got used to it. Will I likewise get used to talking to the voice mail robot?
I’m probably not the only user of such systems to discover that you can get “please hold while I connect you to a customer service representative” by screaming fuck you at the damn thing. Apparently it has yet to evolve far enough to understand fuck you.
Meanwhile, “for quality assurance purposes your call may be monitored or recorded.” Two implicit lies are embedded right in there, to insult your intelligence: (1) recording and monitoring has some positive impact on quality; (2) quality is their objective. Customer service is exactly what they are firmly committed to avoiding. Fuck this, put the robot back on the phone.

Why Kerry is doing poorly

I got into a stimulating email exchange with some friends and e-acquaintances who live on the Left Coast the other day. We made lots of insightful observations. l take the liberty of paraphrasing myself:

Speaking of the grand right-wing propaganda apparatus and its roots back in the Goldwater days, an excellent article about it appeared in the September 2004 Harper’s (don’t have it handy for reference, sorry). It’s by Lewis Lapham, and we know his biases; but he states that this essay was inspired by a matter-of-fact and (jaw-dropping) presentation he saw given by some dude who was anything but a lefty, some kind of finance industry guy. It is an extraordinary and important article.
I haven’t read Thomas Frank’s book The Trouble with Kansas but I read his Harper’s article based on the book, and heard some radio interview snippets. His ideas have been the topic du jour in left/liberal scholar/activist circles, it seems. A very important read. The main criticism it seems is that he condescends to them Kansas rabble — too dumb to know their own interests. He says it ain’t so. Well, bullshit. You gotta be at least a bit of a dumbass to think Bush is a good christian man who’s gonna care about working class you.
The big question is: why, why, why is Kerry at best even with W. in the polls, given how thoroughly the lies arrogance incompetence etc of W.’s admin have been documented and exposed? IMHO the answer, judging from all the lefty magazine articles I’ve had time to read (combined with maybe just a pinch of independent thought on my part) is something like this:
(0) The question itself suggests the answer: because it doesn’t matter how unbelievably horrible Bush is, because:
(1) See Thomas Frank.
(2) See Lewis Lapham.
(3) Kerry totally blows. Who’s genuinely excited about Kerry? Nobody, and rightly so.
(4) When you effectively exploit the mob’s anger and fear (see 1 and 2 above), mobs turn to the right whether it’s in their real interest or not. See 1920’s Germany (and some piece in a recent Nation that reminded us of this). And these guys have done a masterful job of exploiting the fear. (See Michael Moore, or check the current Terror Level)
(5) The polls are rigged (see Gore Vidal). When they ask a question like “who do you think would be more effective in prosecuting the War on Terror, Kerry or Bush?”, what the FUCK is that supposed to mean? It means you’re supposed to accept the premise that the War on Terror is not a fraud but a Good Thing. Poll questions like that are part of the problem, or maybe a symptom of it.
I am pessimistic about Kerry’s chances. Somebody please persuade me otherwise. Maybe that absurd spectacle they call a presidential debate will less vacuous than usual, and Kerry will slap that bitch’s head around in front of millions. We’re told he’s been “ramping it up” and “picking up the pace.” One can always hope….

Hookers made me miss my stop

Three prostitutes were seated across from me on the Port Authority Trans Hudson Interstate Rail System last Saturday night as I was on my way into New York City. From left to right they were: very pretty, mildly slutty and sort of middle class normal looking (and extremely attractive); very slutty but clean (and attractive); and extremely slutty and down-and-out looking. Naive and un-streetwise fool that I am, it takes me a couple minutes of staring to realize that these young ladies are on their way to work. Selling themselves in the street. Not having been laid for a while, and being a horny bastard even on a good day, I find the whores rather provocative, but also depressing and, in the case of the one on the right, repulsive. If I were their dad I would not want them sucking men’s dicks for cash. At their age, they should be college students or something respectable like that. Then again, perhaps their dad is dead or in prison or too drunk to give a fuck. It’s so sad. I wonder what they charge for a blowjob. I wonder how that figure compares to the amount of cash in my pocket.
Thus lost in so much pointless thought, I miss my stop at 14th Street and end up amazed to find myself getting out of the train with the whores at 23rd Street. So I walked back downtown.